Curious what the Leverett troop will learn from its trip to Kentucky? Stay tuned.
The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting has provided a grant to Recorder reporter Richie Davis to help provide coverage of Leverett’s “Hands Across the Hills” visit to Kentucky. The 12-year-old nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., “dedicated to supporting in-depth engagement with underreported global affairs through our sponsorship of quality international journalism” supports more than 150 projects a year across all types of media, with more than $2 million in direct support to journalists.
Davis, the Recorder’s senior writer, has written for and edited at the newspaper for more than 40 years on environmental, political, social, arts and community issues. Among these are the grassroots efforts in Leverett to reach across the political divide in the aftermath of the 2016 national election and find connections with people who have different political opinions.
The Pulitzer grant provides travel expenses for reporting on the Leverett group’s visit to southeastern Kentucky. Although not directly connected with the Pulitzer Prize, which has been awarded for the past 100 years as provided for in the will of Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of New York World and St. Louis Post-Dispatch, its board of directors includes two members of the Pulitzer family, including the late publisher’s widow, Emily Rauh Pulitzer. She provides core funding, along with core funding from the Emily Rauh Pulitzer Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and other foundations.