The Leverett Alliance’s Bridging Committee is hosting over a dozen Kentuckians from coal country for a weekend of cultural exchange and dialogue October 27-29. Our hope is to find common ground and shared dreams upon which to build bridges of understanding. Our guests are staying in our homes, will participate in closed dialogue sessions, and will have a chance to enjoy some of the sights of the Pioneer Valley. Please join us for our day of activities open to the public – come meet our guests from Letcher County, Kentucky.
Public Events - All are Welcome
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Leverett Elementary School, 85 Montague Road, Leverett
9:00-11:30 am Community Forum
A chance to interact with our group from Letcher County, Kentucky, and members of the Leverett Alliance Bridging Committee. Learn how communities with very different histories and cultures can work together to achieve common goals.
11:30-Noon Leverett Community Chorus
Songs to celebrate the heritage and folkways of Appalachia and New England
Noon-1:00 Community Potluck Lunch with Kentucky group For admission, please bring a dish to share – “local” fare appreciated
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6:00-7:00 pm Community Potluck Dinner
Come Feast and Dance with Kentucky Friends
Montague Common Hall (formerly Montague Grange) 34 Main Street, Montague
For admission, please bring a dish to share – “local” fare appreciated
7:00-10:00 pm Contra Dance
With The Moving Violations, Ron Blechner, Caller (special guest Autumn Rose Lester on fiddle)
$10 at Leverett Coop & Leverett Library